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The Mega Globe of death at F1 grand prix of Azerbaijan

Danny Varanne

Dernière mise à jour : 10 déc. 2024

The biggest globe of death in Europe
The mega globe at F1 event Baku

This 2024 season, Scarlett Entertainment renewed their trust in Infernal Varanne Group.

Our "Mega Globe", the biggest Globe of Death in Europe has been chosen for the third time. Our stunt riders will enjoy again the warm welcoming hospitality of Azeris.

In mid August a truck came to load the equipment in Paris. Then the team arrived and planning was quite tight:

Day 1: Sunday, all riders arrived from Brazil, Turkey, Poland, and France.

Day 2: Building up the globe of death.

Day 3 training , practice in the globe of death.

Day 4: Formula 1 Baku security check, and rest for the team.

Day 5: First day of shows in the Formula 1 village. Every day 4 stunt shows till Sunday.

Day 8: Dismantle the globe of death.

Day 9: All members of the organization return to theirs countries. The mission that Scarlett gave to Infernal Varanne, was more than completed. 12 shows, audience thrilled.

The motorcycles of the globe of death

Building up the mega globe of death
Building up the mega globe of death

globe of death loaded
Loading the globe of death

globe of deeath in the truck

safety first
Safety first

the biggest globe of death at Formula 1 event Baku Azerbaijan
The mega globe, largest Globe of death in Europe

Audience thrilled at F1 event Baku.
The boys in action

Stunt riders before the start in the globe of death at Baku F1 event
Gentleman, start your engine!

The seven motorcycles in front of globe of death
The Mega globe at night

The boys visiting Baku on their day off
The team visiting BAKU

Globe of Death
Night ride

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