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Motordrome at Wheels and Waves

Danny Varanne

Dernière mise à jour : 14 déc. 2024

Reymond Verhoef and San Clemans
Reymond Verhoef and San Clemans

On a memorable day in 2017, Danny received a call from Pierre Audoin, the key representative for Indian Motorcycle in France. Pierre asked Danny to organize the Wall of Death show for a major event in France: the artistic Wheels and Waves festival in Biarritz. Exciting!

Danny assembled the wall and the riders for this new challenge. For the past eight years (except during the COVID lockdown), Danny has returned annually with the MOTORDROME, the largest Wall of Death in Europe. Many renowned figures from the Wall of Death community have performed for the enthusiastic audience at Wheels and Waves, including Captain Donald, Reymond Verhoef, Jan Laurens, Prins Marvin, Harm Soppe, and San Clemans. We take pride in having earned the trust of the organizers and the affection of the Wheels and Waves enthusiasts.

Each year, we meet our idols: Steeve Cabalero, Dimitri Coste, Randy Mamola (Danny's idol), Mike Wolffe, and... Travis Hart, another of Danny's idols.

The story continues. Indian Motorcycles and the Motordrome represent a century-old tradition. We are grateful to Wheels and Waves and Indian Motorcycle France for allowing us to uphold this legacy in the best possible conditions.

wall of death

San Clemans before the start on his 1928 Indian Scout
San Clemans before the start on his Indian Scout 1928

Playboy, San Clemans
Playboy, San Clemans

Home speaker, Damien.
Home speaker, Damien.

A race to death by San Clemans and Danny Boy.
A race to death by San Clemans and Danny Boy.

Danny Boy on his 1924 Indian Scout. He owns this bike since 1986, legacy of his father. This bike was owned before by Roland Janneret, before by Benito Manfredini, before by Franck Toddt.
Danny Boy on his 1924 Indian Scout. He owns this bike since 1986, legacy of his father. This bike was owned before by Roland Janneret, before by Benito Manfredini, before by Franck Toddt.



Indian Motorcycles and wall of death
The old man and it's old lady

Ink and iron.
Ink and iron.

Danny and Sarah Cleopatra Varanne
Danny and Sarah Cleopatra Varanne

Indian FTR on the wall of death
Danny rides an heavy INDIAN FTR


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